Happy Birthday Nym

December 11, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday to our buddy Nym. The dogs got chicken livers as their birthday treat. The people got cake, but Georgia helped herself while our backs were turned for an instant.

The dogs did have a good time, although playing in the house was probably not what Nym’s owner had in mind.

Birthday Party

December 12, 2010

Nym invited Georgia and Gizmo to come and share chicken livers for his 11th Birthday. Georgia ate hers outside and thoroughly enjoyed them. Owners got chili, cornbread and cake. It was a great party.


Eating Chicken Livers

Nym, Gizmo and Georgia waiting at the door

Oh What Fun

March 6, 2010

I captured some frolicking in the snow with the Qik Video app on my iPhone. There’s Georgia and Gizmo and then Nym joined the two for the second round.

Did the fever break?

March 6, 2010

The cabin fever reached new heights this week, what with an overloaded work schedule and cold, snowy weather last weekend, it was getting desperate. However, I think the fever may have broken today.

Georgia got a nice walk in the sunshine. Then she got to play with her current boy toy, Gizmo. The romped and jumped and chased til Gizmo’s tongue hit the floor. There were lots of people around and it was so exciting for Georgia, she loves people. On the way home she wanted to stop and visit her other boyfriend, Nym. They got to run and chase each other through the snow. Oh joy! So, today we had a 2 1/2 hour adventure and life is good.