Oh, the Indignity!

September 11, 2011

After the last thunderstorm, when Georgia kept me up until 4 AM, I’ve been searching for some thing that will calm her down, relieve her anxiety and let me sleep. Admittedly, the thunderstorm season is drawing to a close, so I may not have too much more time to find a solution this year, but still seeking any kind of solution puts me a leg up on next year. Plus, it’s not just thunderstorms, it’s also fireworks and firecrackers, the ice-maker in my fridge, the beeping of the oven timer, etc…

So, I tried anti-anxiety medication, which did not work, at all. It could be because the dosage was not right. I’ve also heard about melatonin, dog appeasing pheromones and the Thundershirt.  So, the first thing I’ve tried is the Thundershirt.


And, I actually think it might be working, but not because it wraps the dog in comfort. No, it’s the indignity of it. I put it on her and she looked at me like I’d just embarrassed her in front of her peers. I’d stolen her dignity.

Thundershirt look

This evening something freaked her out and she was pacing and pulling furniture around so I put it on her again and it definitely calmed her down, she would just stand there very close to me. After a while she finally lay down, on my foot.


Maybe I have a winner, at least for me!