Read This Book – Elephant Girl: a human story

May 26, 2012

I just finished reading, Elephant Girl: a human story by Jane Devin. It’s a brutally honest look into a life of neglect, poverty, tragedy and humanity. The prose is exceptional, it draws you in and at times I couldn’t put it down, but it also took me about a month to finish it because it is hard to read about things that happened to this little girl, this teenager, this woman.


The story is far outside my own experiences. My eyes were opened to the realities of child abuse, poverty and the struggles some people need to overcome to just survive. The way the systems that worked to make me a successful person; my loving family, my schooling, my career opportunities are not universal, not everyone gets that foundation, it’s sad and unfortunate.

But to me, reading this book was also about more than the story. It was the experience about how I actually got the book in my hands, because I probably wouldn’t have read it without this connection. I started following @janedevin on Twitter when someone I was following tweeted a link to her blog, I was captured by her writing and what she was writing about. She has an earnestness about her style and doesn’t shy away from writing honestly. It’s refreshing to read things like that. So, I followed her on Twitter and she followed me back. We occasionally exchanged tweets, you know when you are trying to do Twitter right and be engaging and form connections with people, it seemed to work. Then I started hearing more about the book she was writing about her life. Her journey to self-publishing the book took a few twists and turns. She had a KickStarter campaign to promote and market the book. I didn’t even have to read the book before I knew it would be worthwhile to contribute to the cause by supporting such a talented writer. My reward, was a copy of the book and it’s signed! I’m sure it will be worth a lot of money someday.

This is a case of social networks connecting people and the virtual friendships that can be formed over chats about your dogs or sleeveless shirts. It’s connecting people with completely different life experiences. It’s why investing time in Twitter or Facebook can be valuable. I feel my life is richer because I do it.

I also know that because of reading this book, I will be donating more of my money to groups, organizations, people that need a helping hand.

Thank you Jane for sharing your story! I look forward to the next book because I know this story is unfinished.


Trip to the mailbox, inbox, status box…

September 30, 2010

I used to like getting mail. The daily trip to the mailbox was exciting, finding something there, could be a letter from Mom or a friend. When I was in college and graduate school my Mom used to send me postcards, for no real reason except to just let me know she was thinking about me.  But the potential wonder filled trip to the mailbox was before I became a real adult, with a history. Before I got on every direct mail marketing list. Lists that generates tons of useless paper.  Before the electronic age, before email.

a couple of months worth of junk mail

I used to eagerly look forward to getting email. More of my friends had email accounts. I had to use email for work. Near instant communication, an email didn’t cost 32 cents (as it was when I started using email in 1995 or so) and it was easy. You didn’t have to have  enough news for a whole letter, it was quick and informal. But that was before email really became a work tool. Before every spammer on the planet got a hold of my email address. Before the social media age.

Now I look forward to facebook comments and Twitter mentions. A photo posted on facebook costs nothing and shows all your friends pieces of your life. If you have participating friends, this is a 2 way street. There’s no effort required to connect with anyone, it’s just there for you to see whenever you happen to check-in. I know more about what my friends  are doing, more than I would have through a letter or an email. I like that.

What manner of communication will we look forward to receiving in 5 years?